What is Ceramic Window Tint?

What is Ceramic Window Tint? 

Ceramic tint is a premium quality window film made with microscopic ceramic particles and multiple layers of ultra thin films. This non-conductive material blocks UVA and UVB radiation to protect passengers and drivers from sun damage.

It can help to keep your vehicle cool by blocking heat-generating infrared radiations.  Superior grade ceramic tints can be infused with IR blocking technology to provide even greater heat resistance. 

It blocks UV Rays

Sun's UV rays can cause skin damage and eye damage. High quality car window tints can prevent up to 99 percent of harmful UV rays entering your vehicle. Ceramic window tints are a great choice to protect your family and skin. Ceramic window tint also protects interior car furniture such as seats, dashboards, floor mats and stereo equipment from fading. 

The specialized material also reduces the glare, so you can drive in comfort and avoid harsh sunlight. This specialized material is made of microscopic particles which diffuse intense light so that you can see clearly. 

It blocks heat 

Ceramic window tints are a great choice for car owners looking to cool their vehicles during summer heat. This tint will reduce heat entering your vehicle and protect it from damage and fading. 

It blocks harmful UV rays, as well as other harmful light rays. This can cause severe damage to your car's interior. It prevents fading, warping, and damage to the interior. 

Ceramic window tints are more durable than regular films. This makes them a better choice for long term use. Ceramic tints also have a greater color stability than other types.

It's Non-Metallic 

Ceramic window tints are made from a specific type of ceramic particle that is neither metallic nor conductive. It can reflect high levels light without interfering in electronic signals.

It is also resistant to infrared and solar rays. This reduces the glare when driving at night. Although it is more expensive, the benefits are well-worth it. 

Ceramic window tint is more effective than other types of film in blocking harmful UV rays. This can cause skin cancer, wrinkles, and sun damage. Ceramic window tint is also heat resistant, which is essential for keeping your car cool.

It's Scratch-Resistant 

Ceramic window tint is the best option for long-lasting durability. It blocks heat and UV rays, and protects your eyes from the sun without compromising style or visibility. 

It is also scratch-resistant which is a benefit for car owners who want to keep their windows looking new. It's important to remember that even heavy objects, such as your seatbelt, can damage ceramic tints. 

Ceramic window tint also doesn't interfere or block electronic signals such as radios and cell phones. Drivers who depend on their car's radio and GPS to navigate the road and hear music can find this a huge advantage. 

It blocks infrared light 

Ceramic window tint can block 97% of infrared radiation that enters windows. This will keep your car cooler and help reduce heat loss when driving hot. 

IR rays can be seen all year, but they are most prevalent during winter months because the sun's rays are at a lower angle than usual and there is less air to filter them. 

Metalized window films can cause interference with WiFi and cell signals. Ceramic tints without any metal are better.

TintPro Window Tinting


Window Tint Eugene

What is Ceramic Window Tint?  Ceramic tint is a premium quality window film made with microscopic ceramic particles and multiple layers of ultra thin films. This non-conductive material blocks UVA and UVB radiation to protect passengers and drivers from sun damage. It can help to keep your vehicle cool by blocking heat-generating infrared radiations.  Superior…